Trigger warning: This post includes descriptions of common postpartum mental health symptoms. If you or a loved one (including men! ~10% of dads experience postpartum depression too) are experiencing some or all of these symptoms in a way that’s interfering with your daily life, PLEASE get help. Talk to your doctor, a licensed mental health…
What to ACTUALLY Expect… Postpartum While there are a ton of amazing things that happen when you have a baby, I wanted to focus this week’s blog post on a few of the very weird things that can happen postpartum. I knew about exactly none of these prior to them happening, but from the reels…
Trigger warning: this post contains several uses of the word vagina and scenes (verbal only, who do you think I am?!?) from my own labor and delivery. My experience may not be typical, nor does it mean that everyone will experience any or all of these things (I’m sure labor norms vary from doctor to…
Introducing The Littlest Bear Blog Wisdom from a working mom who’s right there in the trenches with you Or, What to ACTUALLY expect when you’re expecting Welcome to The Littlest Bear, a blog for working moms A little bit about me: I’m a new mom to a beautiful, smart little girl and two playful doodles; wife to…